Creative Computers
Creative Computers CD-ROM, Volume 1 (Legendary Design Technologies, Inc.)(1994).iso
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kd_freq.library 3.01
File Requester User Documentation
By: Khalid Aldoseri
A File Requester is used to select a file name from the existing files on a
system, or to enter a new file name. This file requester (FR) supports all
normal features in a FR plus a lot of special features as desribed below.
The File Requester has three essential parts for its operation: The Path
gadget, the File gadget and the File List:
The Path gadget contains the path to the currently displayed directory. You
can enter any directory name there directly if you like by clicking in it and
editing the text there. The FR also changes the Path name in many cases.
The File gagdet contains the currently selected file. You can manually edit
the filename by clicking in it and editing the text.
The File List is a list of file names that covers a major portion of the FR
display. This displays the contents of the directory in the Path gadget.
This contains both directories and file names. Every time you select a new
directory the File List will start displaying the contents of that directory
as it reads it from the device that directory exists on. As this is
happening, the FR will tell you how many files/dirs it has found so far in the
status line at the bottom of the FR. Once the FR has finished reading the
directory, it will redisplay the File List starting with directories first
and files second.
- The FR stays 'live' while reading the directory, i.e. you can abort the
directory read at any time by selecting a new directory. You can also
scroll through the file list or resize the window and the FR will keep on
reading the directory.
- The ':' (colons) in the 'Files: nnn Dirs: nnn' display do not appear while
the directory is being read. When they do show up, that means that the FR
is done reading in the directory.
The File List Display:
The File List display contains the following information:
test.file * 11381 09-Dec-89 11:50 ----rwed
| | | | | |
filename | size date time protection
filenote bits
If the entry is a directory, it will be displayed in a different color and it
will display '-dir-' instead of the file size. Read the 'Window Resizing'
section for more details on the File List display.
The job of the File List is to allow you to select an entry from the List. To
do that, just click on an entry. That will have one of the following effects:
a. If the entry is a file:
The FR will copy that file's name into the File gadget and move the marker
to that entry. If the file has a file note attached to it (i.e. it has a
filenote marker) then the file's filenote is displayed in its place as long
as you hold down the mouse button.
If you double-click on the file entry, this will select that file and
immediately 'ok' the FR and exit it.
b. If the entry is a directory:
The FR will clear the File List and start displaying the contents of the
selected directory.
The File List can be in normal or inverted colors. This is intended to create
a visual difference for two different functions, like normal for load, and
inverted for save.
File List Modes:
The File List can also contain other information. Clicking the right mouse
button while the pointer is on the File List area will cycle through one of
three modes:
a. Normal mode: File List shows the selected directory.
b. Device list: File List shows the currently mounted devices by
their volume names.
c. Assign list: File List shows all assigns.
If you return to the Normal mode by clicking several times, then the directory
displayed previously will show up immediately. Note that if you had toggled
the mode before the directory was completely read in by the FR, it will not be
complete when you get back to it and the FR will re-read it.
- The File List display is updated when the FR is done reading the directory.
However, if the user clicks on any file before that, the FR will not update
the display when it is done reading the directory. The user has to click
on the prop gadget or move the list around and the FR will update the
- If you insert a disk into a drive that has been selected in the Path
gadget the disk's directory will automatically be read and displayed.
- If the current disk is removed from the drive, the FR will clear the file
list and bring up the device name (not the old disk name) in the Path
gadget. This means that you can take a disk out of the drive and insert
a new one and the FR will keep up with you if the current device is the
one that you are using. This only works for devices DF0: to DF3:.
The Path:
The Path is the string contained in the Path gadget. It shows the name of the
currently selected directory. This can be changed in many ways:
a. Direct entry:
You just click in the gadget to activate it and edit it normally. Hit
return when you're done with editing it so that the FR will start reading
the directory you selected. If you enter the name of an actual file into
the Path gadget, then the name will be split into its path and filename
components and handled accordingly.
If the selected directory does not exist the FR will ask you whether you
want to create it. Read 'Create Directory' below for details.
b. File List entry:
If you click on an entry in the File List that is a child directory of the
current Path, then that child directory is added to the Path name and that
directory is displayed.
c. Parent:
If you click on the Parent gadget (up-arrow to the right of the Path
gadget) then the parent of the current Path is displayed, if it exists.
This can be clicked several times to go up to the root directory of the
current device. You can also use a short-cut to get the root of the device
by just clicking the _right_ mouse button on the Parent gadget.
d. Disk Icons:
These are disk icons that represent the currently mounted storage devices
in the system. If you click on any disk icon with the left mouse button
the root directory of the selected device will be displayed. You can
scroll through the mounted disk list via the 'Disk Scroll Up' and 'Disk
Scroll Down' arrow gadgets. (up and down arrows at the top right of the
window). These only work if the number of available devices is too big to
fit in the current window.
If you click on the right mouse button over any disk icon, you will get
info about the device displayed in the file list area. The file list is
not erased from memory, you just have to click on the prop gadget or the
up or down scroll gadgets and the file list will reappear.
Note: If there isn't enough space to display 4 lines in the file list
area, this function will not work.
e. Reset Path Gadget: (the 'Path' text)
Clicking on the Path: text will restore the contents of both the Path and
File gadgets to what they were when the FR came up.
Exiting the File Requester:
You can exit the file requester with either an 'OK', which tells the calling
program that you like what you selected, i.e. the Path/File selected. Or by
a 'CANCEL' which just aborts the FR.
You can OK the FR by:
a. Clicking on the OK gadget.
b. Double-clicking on a filename.
c. Typing a filename in the File gadget and hitting return.
You can cancel the FR by:
a. Clicking on the Cancel gadget.
b. Hitting the 'Escape' key.
c. Closing the FR window by clicking on the close window gadget.
The File Gadget:
This is the most